Resume of Arthur F. Shinn, PharmD, FASCP

Arthur F. Shinn, PharmD, is currently President of Managed Pharmacy Consultants, LLC. Previously, he was a Principal in William M. Mercer’s New York Health Care and Group Benefits Practice. In his capacity at William M. Mercer, he consulted on pharmaceutical management services to national clients and was the clinical leader of the core managed pharmacy group.

Dr. Shinn has consulted on various managed pharmacy and clinical program issues. He provided competitive assessment analyses for the provider and employer community and evaluated clients’ clinical programs. His recent experience includes assignments for providers such as BlueCross/ BlueShield organizations, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Neighborhood Health Plan, Health New England, various pharmaceutical companies, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, and several employers such as Clark County Education Association, Vulcan Materials, Eastman Kodak, and Harris Corporation.

Dr. Shinn’s previous experience includes being Vice President and General Manager of Managed Prescription Services (MPS), Inc. a national pharmacy benefit management company located in St. Louis, Missouri. He has held numerous academic appointments both in St. Louis, Missouri and Detroit, Michigan and has worked as Director in the Medical department of a major pharmaceutical company.

Dr. Shinn is widely published in trade journals and is a frequent speaker on managed care pharmacy issues.

Dr. Shinn earned a BS from Long Island University’s Brooklyn College of Pharmacy and a PharmD from the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. He holds a fellowship in the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists.