Michael Tocco, R.Ph., M.Ed. - Associate Resume

Mr. Tocco is the founder and principal owner of IPS and our pharmacy operations and business system analyst. He brings over 25 years of experience in the health care industry including: consulting and developing programs for managed care organizations and state DUR boards; consulting to pharmaceutical manufacturers on operational, professional, and marketing issues; owning a community pharmacy chain; and holding executive level positions in two major pharmacy chains. He currently works with managed care organizations to assist them in maximizing the benefits of fully integrated pharmaceutical management.

Mr. Tocco uses his experience to provide innovative and practical solutions to today’s most difficult pharmaceutical care problems and their impact upon the health care delivery industry.

Michael has a strong presence in the state legislative and regulatory arenas and has access to Medicaid, DPH, Board of Pharmacy, and many Key legislators. He also served on the Board of Pharmacy as President in 2012. Through his experience, Michael has developed a complete understanding of the delivery of pharmaceuticals from the point of research to patient consumption.

Michael is a very active member of The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, having served in leadership positions for the last 8 years.