Stephen DePietro, R.Ph. - Associate Resume

Mr. DePietro has over 20 years of experience in the health care industry including: designing and managing data analysis tools for managed care and consultant pharmacy organizations; owning and operating a community pharmacy; tracking and evaluating new technologies in pharmacy practice; developing and performing regulatory audits; and training pharmacists to act as successful adjunct faculty. He currently provides database development, data analysis and pharmacy practice regulation expertise to managed care, corrections and other pharmacy organizations.

As a member of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy, Mr. DePietro used his experience to help develop innovative solutions to the complex regulatory issues that arise in this rapidly changing health care environment.

Mr. DePietro graduated from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences with a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy. He was a member of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy and is currently a member of several professional associations including AACP, AMCP, NABP, and the Federal Pharmacist Association.